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Would you simplify your life for Him?

Writer: Elena HarrisElena Harris

Updated: May 14, 2024

📸courtesy of The Chosen - of actor Jonathan Roumi as Jesus.

I previously wrote a blog titled, "What does God have to say about clutter?." There I lay out some powerful verses about what the Bible has to say about earthly possessions.

Today I want to share about my passion for decluttering in relation to my faith. As a Christian woman and a declutter coach, my goal is not just to help people declutter their stuff so they can function better. I deeply desire that each of my clients and those I influence with my content (that includes you) would simplify their entire life so that they can find joy, peace, and the freedom to live 100% for Jesus.

When we are buried in stuff or so busy we can't take a breath, we aren't making the space or time for Jesus. We let our love of options, comfort, people's approval, and our selfishness take first place before Him. If we truly want to find peace, we don't need more gadgets to save time, more storage solutions to get us organized, or more entertainment to help us relax. What we really need is less stuff and more gratitude, less trinkets and more space, less clutter and more of Jesus.

So my challenge for you, is spend some time today and this week in God's word and in his presence seeking the answer to, 'What is my calling?" What is God asking you to do? How can you serve your community and your family for Him? You don't have to fully discover the answer now, but meditate on it. Look for how God wants you to spend this one life he's given you. Then approach all your decluttering through that lens.

When you are tidying up or decluttering your home, think about what is helping you serve God and others, and what is not. If an item is not helping keep you healthy, fill your soul, or serve others, then it probably isn't God's will for you to own that thing.

Jesus asked the rich young ruler to give up all he had, sell it, and give it to the poor and follow him. How many of us would have done that? Are you more attached to your wealth and possessions than you are to Jesus? If so, it's time to start decluttering. It's time to stop shopping and start giving. We need to be the hands and feet of Jesus to this fallen world. And how can we do that if we can't even let go of that one cool kitchen gadget we never use?

These words are just as much for me as they are for you. We all need more of him (and a lot less clutter).

If you are a Christian who is ready to simplify your life for Jesus, send me an email at and let me know your story or where you are at right now. I'd love to give you some encouragement, answer your questions, or help you via 1:1 coaching.

You can't do it alone. But you don't have to. You can go to Jesus, and he has put other people here on earth to help you too when you need it.

Let's declutter together for the kingdom of God.

Thanks for reading and I wish you all the blessings God has in store for you.




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