Welcome to another installment of this blog series on what order you should declutter your home in! We've looked at why you should start in the kitchen, move to the bathroom next, and declutter your closet/clothes third. Now it's time to move to the next spot, your bedroom!
Let's look at why your room should be step number four.
REMINDER: The biggest two hurtles of decluttering are getting started and then making enough progress, fast enough that you can actually see some positive change and therefore, keep up the momentum.
With these two issues in mind, let's talk about why you should make stop number four your bedroom.
Most importantly, just having a specific room that's where you start after finishing your closet, will make continuing to declutter so much easier. Whether you've got mountains of clutter everywhere, some mild disorganization, just moved to a new house, or want to do some deep cleaning, try to get into the habit of always starting in the kitchen, then moving to the bathrooms, then your clothing, then your bedroom. That way you don't have to think about where to go next. Simple. Easy. Done.
Okay, but why is your bedroom next?
1. Energy is vital to you, your relationships, and your continued decluttering. I've made this point in every step so far. Energy is VITAL. Your kitchen tends to be energy sucker number one due to how often you need to use it. The bathroom tends to be energy sucker number two. Getting dressed in the morning with a chaotic closet tends to be energy sucker number three. And your bedroom not being a calm and relaxing environment to get a good night's sleep in, I think is energy sucker number four. If you decide that your bedroom is a higher priority for you than any of these other three areas, than by all means tackle your bedroom first. But if you're not sure where is sucking the most energy, don't over think it. Just start in your kitchen and then move through these spaces in this order. Your energy will spike with every new area conquered!
2. It's the obvious next stop after your closet. You've already been working in your room, with the clothing declutter. While you're here, you might as while finish! Plus getting this room done will be much easier with all your clothes out of the way. IMPORTANT: If your bedroom is so cluttered you don't have space to sort clothes, you might want to do your bedroom first, then your closet.
3. Decluttering your bedroom will make you feel AMAZING. If you already finished your kitchen and thought THAT made you excited, just wait until your bedroom is clutter-free and peaceful. That will take your joy to a whole other level. There's nothing like walking into a neat and tidy bedroom and plopping onto the beautifully made bed. It's AMAZING.

4. Your bedroom is YOUR space. You want to focus on your spaces and clutter as much as possible when you are starting your declutter journey. Shared spaces are always a bit more difficult so this is a good place to cover now.
However, after this step you'll start getting into more shared spaces so... GET READY!
Although starting with the kitchen, next the bathrooms, then third your closet, and now your bedroom, may be a great rule of thumb, it may not be the best place for you to start depending on your circumstances. Don't take this advice as fact if you're gut is telling you another space is more important right now. If you don't know where to start though, following this order is MUCH better than starting nowhere.
Feel overwhelmed by your home or bedroom?
Contact me today for one-on-one declutter coaching.
Read the whole series:
4. Where to Declutter after Clothes: Your Bedroom (this post!)