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The 9 Enneagram Types as Cluttered Humans

Writer's picture: Elena HarrisElena Harris

Updated: Apr 30, 2024

If you don’t know what the Enneagram is, you should learn about it today! It is a super helpful personality typing system. This post may not make much sense if you don’t have a basic understanding of the Enneagram. To learn more, I recommend you just do a little reading on all 9 types and see which speaks to you, watch some of Abby Howe’s videos on Youtube, or (best option) read The Road Back to You by Ian Cron and Suzanne Stabile. Whatever you do to learn about the Enneagram, make sure you come back and read the rest of this post!

If you know about the Enneagram but don’t know your type yet, this may be a helpful tool to help get you closer to identifying your type. Make sure to read all the descriptions below! Also, go take the quiz!

And, if you know your type, then let me know in the comments below if I got your type right. (P.S. I really want to know.)

Part of what I like about the Enneagram is that there is room for growth within each type. There are healthy, average, and unhealthy versions of each type. My descriptions below are of each type in their average health stage who tend to struggle with a fair bit of clutter. Note if you are in an extremely healthy (or unhealthy) place as a person and struggle with a fair bit of clutter, the description for your type below might not quite fit you perfectly. So take that into consideration. Also, these descriptions won't fit you if you are on top of your clutter (CONGRATS!) or if you are seriously drowning in stuff (maybe it's time to get some help).

Type 1 – The Reformer: My space should be right.

Type 1’s work toward making the world a better place. They tend to be naturally organized people because the world also includes their stuff and space.

Although 1’s may struggle less with clutter than many other types, average cluttered 1’s probably have things shoved here and there where others won’t see and have a spare room or garage packed full of stuff that they “haven’t gotten to” yet. This is not because of lack of caring or desire, but rather due to crippling perfectionism. They want to organize everything, but they want it done perfectly. Therefore, they may procrastinate starting until they know how they are going to do it or until they have time to do it all at once. Which of course never seems to happen. Average cluttered 1's may also tend to be a bit hypocritical, judging others for their messes while not finishing to tackle their own.

Type 2 – The Helper: My space should be accommodating to others.

Type 2's need to be needed by others and are very hospitable people, often making their space an important way they serve others.

Cluttered average 2’s are probably cluttered because they are too busy helping others to stop and deal with their own stuff. Because hospitality is important to them, they probably have their main livings spaces and guest rooms reasonably tidied up (if not immaculate), but you may be shocked when you look into a closet, the garage, or (god forbid), their bedroom. They would have a difficult time asking for help with their decluttering their mess, but if you had a mess at your house, a 2 would probably be the first to volunteer and help.

Type 3 – The Achiever: My space should help me be productive.

Type 3's strive for success and want to make an impact on those around them.

Average cluttered 3’s are probably too busy working to take time to organize their home. And unless their boss or someone important is coming over, decluttering is going to stay at the bottom of their to-do list (if it’s even there at all). These 3's wish their home (and office) were better organized so they could be more productive, but it just isn't going to be one of the things that gets done in the next 5 business days.

Type 4 - The Individualist: My space should feel right.

Type 4's desire deep connections and the freedom to be creative.

Cluttered average 4’s may simply not care one bit about their clutter. In fact, they may even prefer it that way. There are more important things to do than decluttering your stuff. Some 4’s may be more inclined to keep things organized, but their organization style will be a lot more about aesthetics than practicality. They want their space to not just look or be right, but feel right. They have a deep desire for the deep, different, and beautiful. This will present itself in how they use and organize their space.

Type 5 – The Investigator: My space should be practical.

Type 5's think intently about everything, including their space.

Cluttered average 5’s probably let it get that way because they got pulled into too many projects and left a trail of mess behind them as they went. Give them some more time and they'll probably get things back in order (sooner or later anyway). Most 5’s want their space organized. Many 5's achieve this due to their dedication to alone time in their space and their practical minds. They might not understand other types who don't care how their things are organized.

Type 6 – The Loyalist: My space should be homey.

Type 6's want and give support to those they love. They also struggle with overthinking and fear of worst case scenarios.

Cluttered average 6’s are not often going to have precarious piles of clutter all over the place waiting to topple over or get pest infestations. However they may have ignored organizing or decluttering the small clutter piles do have for a very long time. Having a well organized space just isn’t too high on many 6's priority list. They’d much rather be out doing something they enjoy or snuggling up on the couch with a loved one than to be sorting their stuff. Plus, since 6’s want their space to feel homey, they may not mind if their clutter gives their space that “well lived in look.”

Type 7 – The Enthusiast: My space should be fun & let me have fun.

Type 7's desire to be out enjoying life. They avoid discomfort and are always looking for the good.

Average cluttered 7’s have way too many fun opportunities calling to them to stop and declutter at home. Who would choose sorting your stuff on a Sunday afternoon when you could be out doing an extreme sport?! Even if a 7's extreme sport of choice is competing against friends at table games, they would always prefer that to organizing at home. Also, since most 7's don't even want to spend much time at home, why bother organizing it? Am I right?

Type 8 – The Challenger: My space should not control me.

Type 8's are bold people with deep longings who don't want to be tied down.

Cluttered average type 8’s are probably too busy doing really important things to stop and organize their space. They may have a nagging voice in their head that reminds them they should get to organizing, but with all the responsibilities and big dreams on their plate, how can they justify spending time on organizing their home?

Type 9 – The Peacemaker: My space should be cozy.

Type 9's desire inner peace and harmony. They avoid conflict and prioritize rest.

Cluttered average type 9’s are happy to help clean up another person’s space if they feel inspired (or mildly pressured) into it. But to organize and declutter their own space? Naaaa, a good Netflix binge or a long walk probably sounds a lot more appealing. However, they do desire their space to be cozy. So if their clutter gets so bad that it impedes their peace and ability to relax, they'll quickly find the motivation to at least organize the bare minimum. 9’s also have a hard time starting things and/or sticking to them. So they may get distracted after a short amount of declutter time even if they did actually get started.

If you haven't already, you can also go take the quiz!

Comment below cause I wanna know!

How cluttered are you and why do you think that is?

If you know your enneagram type, what is it & did your description above fit you?

*As I learn more about the Enneagram types and how they relate to clutter, I may make updates to this post.

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