Time is precious. Don't waste it holding onto garbage.

This picture was taken my last day as an assistant English teacher at a small school in Pucallpa, Perú in 2019. This class captured my heart with their eagerness to learn, their open affection, and their exuberant joy.
While I was a missionary in Perú, I lived out of a large suitcase. I had basic toiletries, simple modest clothes, my laptop and cell phone, and a few keepsakes that I collected throughout the year. When I left, I gave most of my clothes away to the host families I lived with. Although I can't say that year living with less was very comfortable or easy, it was certainly one of the the most fulfilling years of my life.
I am not telling you this story or saying, "STOP WASTING YOUR LIFE!" to say you aren't decluttering your home fast enough if you are working at it already. And I am not saying you must must become a super minimalist to be happy. And I am certainly not saying you must sell all you have and become a foreign missionary in order to live a fulfilled life, I sure didn't.
What I am saying, is that your life is so much more than your possessions. If your house is full of clutter and you are not dealing with it due to fear of throwing potentially valuable items away, "lack of time", or simply ignoring the problem because you don't want to face it, you are throwing your life away. Each minute, hour, and day you spend loosing things, cleaning things you don't use, and stressing about money and needing a bigger house to fit it all, the less minutes, hours, and days you have left to live.
Make the brave choice to start decluttering recklessly right now.
Make mistakes. Worst case scenario is you have to repurchase a few things. But, you'll gain so much peace and space in the process, it will be 1000% worth it.
Feel like you don't have the time to declutter? Unless you decide to make time, you never will, and you'll be buried in stuff you don't care about until the day you die. And you can't take any of it with you anyway. Start small with 5 minutes a day.
Avoiding it due to being overwhelmed and unsure where to start? Start here (in your kitchen) today. Or schedule a free call with me so I can give you some personalized pointers on where to start.
You do not need to do this alone.
You do not need to do this fast.
You do not need to accomplish this in one day, one week, one month, or even one year.
You just need to start taking consistent, positive action.
And I truly do believe in your ability to curate a life you love.
So start pitching the junk, and get to it!
All my love,