Do you feel like it's impossible to declutter? You just keep on putting it off and putting it off... even though you KNOW it is really important to you?
Let's bust through declutter procrastination with the 5 second rule. I promise, it's as simple as counting down, "5-4-3-2-1-MOVE!" (yet simple doesn't mean easy, stick with me)
I fell in love Mel Robins' book The 5 Second Rule and realized this rule applies so well to decluttering.
Let's get into it:
On evenings and weekends when you just feel like vegging out, I bet you sometimes get an impulse to sort in the garage, tackle your kitchen table, or declutter your closet. This is where the 5 second rule comes in. As soon as you get that impulse, make the choice to count "5-4-3-2-1" and then "move!" Then get up, find a place that's cluttered, and start sorting. Work as long as you can and then once you genuinely feel exhausted or emotionally overwhelmed, then go take a break. But if you don't start when you have the impulse, you'll never do it. Plus, you may start to find that decluttering actually GIVES you energy, because you get that dopamine hit from making progress towards the life you want.
When you use the 5 second rule and count down from 5, getting up and starting to declutter is easy. The hard part is deciding to use the rule. Your mind will distract you and give you excuses telling you things like "but you DESERVE a break", "just one show first", "just take a five minute rest" but once you cave to those thoughts, you'll sit around for way longer than you meant to. An object in motion tends to stay in motion, and the opposite is just as true. Then when you finally feel like doing something, it will be time to make dinner, go to bed, or head out the door. Decide within those first 5 seconds of getting the impulse to count down from 5 and get up and start decluttering. You can always take a break later. But now, when you have the impulse, is the time to start. To create the life you want, you have to make the hard choices in small, everyday moments. Get up, do your best, THEN rest.
I believe in you.
Of course, this rule can only do so much. If you want additional help busting through procrastination, my clients would attest to the amazing benefits of hiring someone to do it with you. No way to procrastinate if you've got an appointment with someone else on the calendar!
Contact me today to start 1:1 decluttering coaching. If you feel your gut telling you it's time, count down 5-4-3-2-1 and email me at right now! You're future self will thank you.
I'd love to know what you think of applying the 5 second rule to decluttering. Let me know in the comments!