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My Declutter Story

Writer: Elena HarrisElena Harris

Updated: Apr 30, 2024

When I was little, I loved putting everything in its place. Dolls would be all laid out in a line and their clothes sorted by length and color in a tissue box. I had all my keepsakes and makeup laid out on the top of my dresser. If I looked back at my 3-year-old bedroom now I would probably tell her to clean up. But back then I thought it was perfect.

When I grew up I wanted to be a singer, fiction author, house designer, or office secretary. I loved singing and dressing up and putting on a show. I also loved to fall into the depths of my imagination and create worlds and characters in my mind. But I never got more than a few chapters into a story before giving up and finding some new exciting idea. Decorating and house designing have always been my passions. I would take graph paper and draw the blueprints of mansions and cute little cottages with furniture and flooring included. I also loved doing paperwork. Online quizzes and making forms were my hobbies in elementary school I couldn't understand why my brother thought it was so boring.

As I grew up and my family accumulated more and more stuff, I became acutely aware of the stress clutter causes. My mom would get mad about not being able to find things. And my brother always had a mess in his room. But as far back as I can remember, I was neat and tidy. I have been teased about being OCD and I defiantly got in trouble in middle school for throwing things of my mother's away. I wanted to make things better, but I learned quickly that I could only help those who wanted help.

When I started college 4 years ago, I thought I wanted to be a writer or an editor. Then I decided to be a high school English teacher. After a year off teaching English in South America, I decided that the classroom was not the place for me. I realized I would rather clean the classroom than teach in it.

So this year I have decided to follow a bigger passion, decluttering. I want to serve the world by helping people get rid of all the useless junk in their homes and enjoy the treasures and necessities that they have. My dream is for everyone to live in a home that encourages productivity, relaxation, and community.

If you are struggling with clutter or relate to my story and want to contact me, click on "contact" at the top of my website and send me a message. I would love to hear from you!


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