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Make Your Dreams Come True (through minimalism)

Writer: Elena HarrisElena Harris

Updated: Apr 30, 2024

As a small business owner who works for myself, I love my freedom to set my own hours, decide who I work with, and run my dream career exactly how I want! This is a dream I have been cultivating for years, and it's starting to really come true and grow.

A key aspect of my life that allows me to do this is my minimalist lifestyle. I live in a small apartment, sleep on a mattress on the floor (I still haven’t bought a bedframe; I’ll get there eventually), and own very few possessions. I always aim for patience over impulse when it comes to shopping and quality over quantity with everything I own.

These values make it so I have peace at home, significantly more time, and less to deal with and clean (honestly I hardly ever mop or dust because it takes so long for things to get visibly dirty). Obviously the fact that I don’t have kids or pets helps.

The point is, whatever your dream is, to travel the world, to volunteer more at your favorite non-profit, or start your own business, you have to give yourself the physical and mental space to do it.

Want help speeding up that process? Ready to live your dream life?

You know how to reach me…

I believe you can do whatever you set your mind to.

You got this.

All my love,


Here are some 5 strategies/tools to help you start decluttering today:

  1. Sign up to my email list and get my very TOP 10 TIPS in your first email.

  2. Overcome clutter overwhelm with The 4 P's of Decluttering.

  3. Make room for your favorite hobby (or dream) with this process.

  4. Stop declutter procrastination in 5-4-3-2-1!

  5. Make a plan to tackle your clutter with my step-by-step annual plan process.


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