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Gift Using All 5 Love Languages

Updated: Apr 30

As I was writing this post about ways to wrap & deliver your gifts to show you care, I started thinking of all the different kinds of gifts people can give: physical gifts, cash, gift cards, doing things for others, experiences, and more.

Don't make the mistake of thinking that physical gifts and money are your only options. You can gift using all 5 Love Languages this holiday season. You can give everything from a month's worth of laundry folding (act of service) to 10 intentional free date nights whenever your partner requests it in the following year (quality time).

Gift Using All 5 Love Languages (with example of a homemade coupon for "one day of complain-free cleaning")

What are the 5 Love Languages?

If you don't already know, the short version is that they are acts of service, physical touch, quality time, words of affirmation, and receiving gifts. You can learn more about them and discover your main love language(s) at the However, no matter what your primary love language is, we all appreciate a bit of all five.

Use the list below as inspiration to get your wheels turning. But make sure to pick something that will make your gift recipient happy (not just you!). And use my 15 Ways to Wrap & Deliver Your Gift to Show You Care to actually give your gift in a meaningful way after you've chosen it.

Don't make the mistake of thinking that physical gifts and money are your only options. You can gift using all 5 Love Languages this holiday season.

70 Gift Ideas From All 5 Love Languages

Gifts of Service

Doing things for others (or paying someone else to do things for them) is one of the best gifts a person can give because it gifts the recipient TIME. Time is our most important non-renewable resource. So if we can give a few of our loved ones more time this holiday season and in the coming year, let's do it!

NOTE: Choose to do this act of service once, a few times, or up to weekly for a year. Be sure to choose the time frame and frequency that would be the best for your recipient AND ALSO be reasonable for you. And, make sure when you gift these things you are OFFERING to do it for them not TELLING them you will. Don't surprise them with doing these things beforhand unless you are 100% sure they would appreciate you doing it YOUR way without asking first.

For people you live with/visit very often:

Mom & daughter washing dishes
  • Wash their dishes

  • Do and fold their laundry - Make sure you learn how they want their laundry done and what does and doesn't go in the washer/dryer.

  • Take all of the laundry (including formal wear & bedspreads) to the dry cleaner - or just one piece that's important to them like a coat or dress

  • Clean the floors

  • Deep clean one room

  • Tidy up the house

  • Organize something for them - Make sure its something you know how to do in a way they would appreciate and not just be stressed out by

watering a garden

Watch their _____ when their out or travling:

  • Baby sit

  • House sit

  • Pet sit

  • Water their indoor plants/garden

  • Mow their lawn


  • Pay for a housecleaner

  • Pay for childcare

  • Hire a landscaper.

  • Get their car washed and detailed (or do it yourself)

  • Gift declutter coaching - Gift them getting rid of clutter! The perfect gift for those people on your list who already have way too much (but only if they are interested in decluttering). You can learn more about how you can gift declutter coaching here

Special Skills:

Use your talents to help those you love!

  • Are you a mechanic or good with cars? Help them with their car when they need it this year - good for the especially young or old drivers on your list

  • Drive your own car? Offer to drive them somewhere - epecially if you have anyone on your list without a car

  • Are you handy or work in construction? Complete a project around the house: fix something broken, paint a room, change/clean filters, fil nail holes... the sky is the limit!

  • Accountant? Offer to do their taxes this year.

  • Into fashion? Help them create outfits that flatter their body.

  • Whatever your profession or talent is, do something for them that you can do better than anyone else they know.

a girl smiling and looking at her phone

Something you can do for anyone:

  • Be their accountability buddy - Tell them you will commit to checking in on them and thier goals regularly (you define how often) for the next 6-12 months to help them stick to the goals that matters to them. Just be sure you let THEM choose what you will be keeping them accountable to. (For example, don't offer to remind them to shower everyday because you think they stink. That's not accountability, that just nagging.)

Want some accountability yourself? Meet with me to learn how I can be your accountability buddy!

Gifts of Physical Touch

As a society I think we're all starving for a bit more physical touch in our lives, but for those people on your list who's main love language is physical touch, they NEED more hugs, kisses, hand holding, sitting shoulder to shoulder, dancing, or even sex. But how can you "gift" physical touch around the Christmas tree? I've got some ideas for you!

a mom hugging her daughter

  • For your own kids: a homemade coupon book full of high fives, kisses, hand holding, hugs, bear hugs, dance parties, and whatever else you can think of that your kids can redeem whenever they want to

  • A shirt that says, "Free Hugs" or something similar on it they can wear when they want extra physical touch - especially good for extraverted people who need more physcial touch

  • Body lotion & a shoulder rub

a young girl learning to ice skate with an older girl
  • Bath bomb - And if for your spouse, make sure to give them time to use it (watch the kids) or take a bath with them!

  • A new outfit in a particularly comfortable material like linen, silk, or organic cotton. It's like a warm hug.

  • Gift certificate for the roller or ice skating rink and go with them.

  • Spa or Nail appointment

  • Pay for them to get a nice hair cut & wash

For Couples:

  • Gift certificate for the roller skating rink - Make sure to hold their hand often while you skate!

  • Massage oil with homemade coupons to redeem for massages from you

  • For her: A new dress and a promise for a night out dancing

  • Couple’s massage

  • Couple’s body painting class

  • Date night all about breathing together, eye contact, kissing, cuddling, and foreplay - aka GO SLOW.

  • A book, toy, or game to make things more interesting in the bedroom.

Gifts of Quality Time

Doing things with others is one of the best gifts a person can give because it shows you want to be with them, you prioritize your relationship with them, and it helps you create new memories together. Here's a few ideas for how you can gift quality time:

dad and son playing a videogame together
  • Get them a videogame, yard game, board game, or card game you can play together - Make sure to actually make plans to do it with them!

  • Tickets to an event or concert together

  • Take them to get coffee or shopping when they are lonely or stressed - could gift as a little coupon book to redeem with you whenever they want to

  • Homemade "Tickets" to a free activity you can do together

  • Membership gym so you can workout together

  • Get them a book and the same one for yourself and then read/discuss it together

  • Pay for a class (in-person or online) that you can take together

  • For couples: 10 (or however many you choose) intentional date nights whenever your partner requests it in the following year

  • Shopping/thrifting trip together - Get them a giftcard to that store or tell them you'll pay for $X of their shopping spree.

  • Season's pass to favorite summer/winter activity (like ski hill or water park)

  • Plan a hike togther

  • Get them a gift certificate to a restaurant and then take them there.

  • Pay for the two of you to go do a hobby together (like a local rockclimbing gym or pottery studio)

  • Plan to take them on a picninc or two (coupons to redeem in spring)

Gifts of Affirmation

While most may feel actions mean more than words, there are still many who are desparate to hear it as well as see it. Speaking love, life, encouragement, hope, humor and joy into the lives of others is so powerful. So this year instead of sending just a simple Christmas card or a gift with no note at all, consider some of the following. And if you put your whole heart into it, it might even be worth wrapping and putting under the tree.

a mom reading a card her daughter gave her
  • Write out a poem

  • Write and record a song - Or even better, preform it live for them!

  • A list of "Top 10 Reasons Why You're Awesome" or "Why I Love You"

  • "Advice for You in the New Year" or "Grandma's (or Dad's, Mom's, Auntie's etc.) Wisdom"

  • Your love story (you could even add pictures and self publish)

  • A scrapbook with memories & stories from a particularly good time in your lives

  • Something with words that's framed they can put on their wall

  • For your wife/love: Watch a romcom and tell her it’s how you feel

More Unique Gifts

We've covered gift ideas for acts of service, physical touch, quality time, and words of affirmation. Now let's discuss some other creative gift ideas other than your typical physical items:

  • Cash specifically to help them buy something they've been talking about wanting - like a puppy or piece of furnature

  • Make them something home made that will remind them of you whenever they see it or use it

  • Draw them a picture or paint them a piece of art

  • Pay for and/or design them a tattoo (if that's their thing)

  • Get them a monthly membership for the next year to something that matters to them (something they can do or something that ships to their door)

  • Pay for 6-12 months of a subscription they use (or even better, pay for a subscription they WISH they used but can't afford right now

  • Photo album

  • A customized piece of clothing or jewelry with something they love (geek out!) or with their name or title (like "Dad" or "Miss Sassy" or "His Better Half")

  • Custom/Very Specific Art Work - Like a map of their hometown or take an image of them and stylize it to fit in with their decor/color scheme.

I decided to write this post because thinking outside the box with gifts helps both you and those you love to save money, reduce clutter, and help reduce needless consumerism this time of year (which is really bad for the planet).

So, whether you give gifts from ideas on this list or come up with creative ideas of your own, remember that what all the people on your nice list want this year, isn't more junk, it's LOVE.

And, love isn't only shown with a box of chocolates, a new videogame, or a new power tool.

Once you've picked your gift for someone, don't forget to check out this post to get creative about HOW you're going to deliver it to them.

So get creative, and happy gifting!

Sincerely, Elena Harris

Let me know in the comments what's something non-physical or homemade you are going to gift this year!

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