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9 Negative Beliefs Stopping You From Decluttering

Writer: Elena HarrisElena Harris

Updated: Apr 30, 2024

1. I can't declutter.

Decluttering can be extremely hard. But I promise, anyone can learn. In order to declutter your life, you must believe it's possible. YOU absolutely can change your life. And if you commit to doing the work, you not only can, but WILL. If you are struggling with declutter overwhelm, join my declutter family and read through my Top 10 Declutter Tips. I've got some real gems in there to help you get started. Plus, if you're on my email list, you'll get regular reminders in your inbox to declutter! You can do it! DO YOU BELIEVE IT!?! YES! Okay now let's crush some other negative beliefs that might be holding you back.

2. I don't know where to start.

Yes you do. Start where your clutter is bothering you the most, start at the font door, or start where you are right now. Decluttering is just picking something up, deciding if you want it in your life or not, then getting rid of it or finding it a home. Of course it can become more complicated than that, but that's basically all it is. So if you have been letting this belief hold you back. Pick where you are right now, pick up the closest item, and start! You can even take it 5 minutes at a time.

3. It has to be perfect.

If you are a perfectionist, decluttering can be hard because you aren't sure what order to do things in, what the final look should be, and the perfect path to get there. But you know what's worse than imperfectly decluttered? Cluttered and overwhelmed. Perfectionism is a tough mental habit to break. So take it one small win at a time. Just do your best and start somewhere. Make decisions everyday... even if you make mistakes, at least you will be working towards the clutter free life you want. Tell yourself, "It does not have to be perfect, it just needs to be better."

4. I need to declutter the right way.

If you hate being wasteful, decluttering can be a real struggle. Decluttering naturally feels wasteful because often, you are getting rid of perfectly good things. But it's important to remember that these things are not "perfectly good" to you, because you don't need or use them! Let them go. Let them go to someone else who needs them if you can, and if not, the trash is 100% OKAY. You have to clear the clutter so you have the space and energy to start becoming less wasteful. Just do your best, and let the rest go.

5, If I get rid of too much, I will forget the memories.

First of all, there are lots of ways to reduce the amount of physical space your sentimental items take up. You can improve your organization, take photos of sentimental items, and digitize documents. You do not have to keep the physical item to still have a copy or visual of that item.

Secondly, even if you completely get rid of an item and don't take a photo of it, you probably won't forget the memory. You may have other sentimental items, photos, or other triggers (like songs or smells) that will continue to remind you of that memory. You will not forget your best memories; Nothing can take those from you.

Lastly, even if you would forget a memory without that physical reminder, do you need to remember that memory? Can't you let that memory go to make space for making new memories? Life is to short to spend precious time sorting, organizing, reminiscing, and getting emotional over memories when you could be experiencing your life right now.

6. I have to do it all.

You do not have to do it all now. You do not have to do it all yourself. You do not have to do all of it EVER if you don't want to. Think about what you do want, who can help you accomplish it (maybe me), and then give yourself realistic deadlines to accomplish your goals. You can do what you want, just not all right now. Don't let outside or inside pressure overwhelm you to the point that you do nothing at all. You do not have to do it all.

7. I am behind.

Yeah you mind not be where you wanted to be at this point in your declutter journey, but you are where you are. There is no gain to be had by wishing you were further along. You are right where you are supposed to be. Accept that, and you will move forward even faster.

8. I won't be able to keep it decluttered.

If you believe this, you're probably thinking... then why start? But even if this were true, isn't it better to have a clean slate now that will cluttered up again later? Or would you rather keep your current "overflowing" situation? Am I right or am I right?! And I can assure you, keeping things decluttered IS possible. The more you declutter the easier it gets. But if you want some extra help, I would love to help you declutter AND keep it that way.

9. I don't deserve a decluttered home.

This is not something you have probably ever said or thought to yourself before. However this is the most likely culprit on this list for why you haven't gotten serious about decluttering yet. The moment you decide, "I 100% deserve a beautiful, organized, and decluttered home," is the moment you will start charging full steam ahead towards this goal. If you feel unworthy, struggle with low self-esteem, or tend to put everyone else's needs before your own, then you will not take the time for yourself to get your home to the way it needs to be to make YOU truly happy.

Today is the day to break these negative beliefs.

Today is your day to say:

I can declutter.

I will declutter.

I will do it imperfectly.

I will do it my way.

I will do it in my time.

I will learn how to keep it decluttered.

Why? Because

I DESERVE a home that makes me truly happy.

Let me know in the comments which of these negative beliefs is your biggest hurtle.


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