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50 Affirmations for Cluttered People

Writer: Elena HarrisElena Harris

Updated: Jan 7

I recently made myself a new affirmation, "I am a clutter-crushing queen." I wrote it on a sticky note, stuck it on my desk, and posted it to social media. I wrote this affirmation to remind me that I am great at kicking clutter to the curb for my clients and fans (like you :) even when I don't feel like it. However, I also realized this could be an awesome affirmation for women currently working on their clutter.

Now I'm giving you a whole ton of ideas for affirmations to help you find freedom from clutter. Follow the steps below to get the most out of this to change your mindset and get your decluttering more healthfully and effectively.

  • Take 4-10 affirmations from below that you find uncomfortably attention-grabbing or strongly motivating. If it doesn't feel true for you, it may be exactly what you need to start believing to get past the stuckness you've caught yourself in.

  • Write them down somewhere useful (i.e. your planner, notebook, dairy, etc.).

  • Pick 1-3 of the most powerful ones and write them down again, altering them to fit you more if desired. You can also combine them if it makes sense.

  • Write these on sticky notes and put them where you will see them daily.

  • Whenever you see one of these sticky notes, Say it to yourself either silently or aloud (aloud is better).

  • Push yourself to believe it & become it.

  • Let it fill you up and pour out into who you want to be.

Now... let's go!

50 Affirmations for Cluttered People

  1. I am an organized person.

  2. I am good enough, no matter how my house looks.

  3. I am good enough.

  4. I am a minimalist. (even if it's in the making)

  5. I am the type of person who puts things back.

  6. I am they type of person who knows where everything goes.

  7. I am tidy.

  8. I appreciate simplicity.

  9. I appreciate beauty.

  10. I keep a clean home.

  11. I take time for myself.

  12. Spending time on myself makes me more caring for others.

  13. Spending time on my space allows me to better care for others.

  14. Spending time on myself makes me more generous.

  15. Spending time on my space makes me more at peace & able to spread peace.

  16. I am grateful for what I have. (Read more on gratitude and clutter.)

  17. I am thankful for how items that I have decluttered served me in the past, but I am glad I don't need them anymore.

  18. I can let items go with gratitude.

  19. Decluttering is self care.

  20. I deserve to live in a beautiful space.

  21. I deserve to love all I own.

  22. What I wear is a beautiful expression of who I am.

  23. What I own is a beautiful expression of who I am.

  24. I do not wear clothes that I don't feel good in.

  25. I can remember my past without holding onto stuff that is keeping me from my future.

  26. I don't need very much to be happy.

  27. The new gadgets and trends (or _______ ) marketed to me are not what will bring me joy.

  28. Buying lots of new _______ will not bring me joy.

  29. I respect myself too much to live in clutter.

  30. I love myself too much to live in disorder.

  31. I care too much about myself to ignore my problems.

  32. I can and will do things to promote simplicity in my life.

  33. My clutter issue is solvable; and I am working on accomplishing it.

  34. I refuse to give up on my space, because I haven’t tried all possible methods or solutions.

  35. I believe I can change the world, and the world starts here. (got this and a few other ideas from this site)

  36. All I have belongs to the Lord. - Deuteronomy 10:14 "Behold, to the Lord your God belong heaven and the highest heavens, the earth and all that is in it."

  37. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. - Philippians 4:13 (What does God have to say about clutter? Read here.)

  38. My space is imperfect, I am imperfect, but I’m perfectly me.

  39. My organized home will make someone's life better.

  40. I choose to focus on what I can control.

  41. Every day, in every way, I am becoming better and better.

  42. I trust myself to declutter what I no longer need and keep what I don't.

  43. I choose to approach my clutter with a calm heart and mind.

  44. I can show kindness to others though simplifying my life. (Yes, REALLY. Read how.)

  45. I am capable of bringing my dreams to life.

  46. I am a bad ass and my space will show it.

  47. I am a bad ass and my space shows it. (Highly recommend, "You Are a Badass" by Jen Sincero. This is where I recently learned the importance of affirmations.)

  48. I am conquering my clutter.

  49. I can see my simplified life in front of me.

  50. I am a clutter-crushing queen!

Thanks for reading! Now follow the 7 point bullet list above.

Comment below your favorite affirmation(s) below.

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