Here are my top organizing hacks that I think you (and everyone) should implement to keep your floors and home clutter-free plus just make your home more efficient and peaceful.
1. Utilize vertical space with hooks.

Kids always leaving their towels on the floor? Add hooks in the bathroom or their bedrooms. Husband always loosing his keys? Add a hook by the front door (although it may take him a long time to get in the habit of using it, prepare yourselves ladies). Always having to untangle your necklaces? Add a string of hooks in your closet or by your vanity to hang them neatly instead.

Hooks utilize vertical space that would otherwise not be used for anything, but also:
Hooks are a more visual way to store things you want to display or not forget.
Hooks makes it easier to put things away.
Hooks are a storage solution that only require bringing something smaller than your hand into your home, rather than a large bin, basket, or tray.
As I live in an apartment, I use Command Hooks, but if you own your own home, feel free to use screw-in or nail-in, high quality hooks instead.
2. Put a large laundry basket in every room where people take off clothes.
Tired of dirty clothes on the floor? Having a large basket in most rooms will definitely help. If the laundry basket is in another room or is overflowing when you or someone you live with goes to take off their clothes, they will most likely land on the floor and stay there.
3. Give everything a home, and if you're not sure where, designate a basket.

On a similar note to the previous, if there are large items like throw blankets, pillow, hats, gloves, jackets, or stuffed animals that always seem to be on the floor (or bed or couch), then adding a basket close by that is specifically meant for those items will help.
This rule applies to everything though not just large soft objects. Kids blocks always strewn all over the floor of the living room when they belong in the toy room upstairs? Maybe they need a basket down here too...
4. OPTIONAL: Get a hanging organizer for your closet.

This hack may or may not be helpful depending on your personal needs and closet design. But, I think it's a good thing to consider if you have more than enough hanging space but no where to put smaller items like shoes, small bags, hats, or folded clothes.
Here you can see a photo of my hanging closet organizer (probably got it at Walmart).
You'll notice I have two large empty spots in it. Waste of space? Not at all! They are empty at the moment but they have a valuable purpose. Read on...
5. Have a spot in your closet for (1) clothes you are thinking of/ready to donate and (2) a place for clothes you've worn but want to wear again.
Decluttering your closet is unfortunately a sort of never ending process. Once you think you've curated your perfect wardrobe, you'll inevitably gain or loose a few pounds, get pregnant, move to a colder (or warmer🌞) location, change jobs, or your personal style will simply change. No matter the reason you need to adjust your wardrobe, it's always nice to have a dedicated spot for things that no longer fit, feel good, or you no longer wear.
And I don't know about you, but I tend to re-wear jeans, sweat pants, and PJ's multiple times before washing them. I find it helpful to have a little cubby in my closet for such items so they don't land on the floor (or on that bedroom chair where all things go to die). If you tend to let lightly worn clothes pile up, might as well give them a home!
You could designate these two clothing categories to a cubby each in your hanging organizer, or you could give them a basket, drawer, or shelf. Whatever works best for you. My only caution would be to not put your lightly worn clothing in a drawer or anything with a lid. The reason it's landing on the floor or that chair is because it's just easier. So make it easy on yourself with an spot you can just toss it. Now it's as easy to put away as it was to put it on the floor.
CAUTION: Declutter & shop your house BEFORE buying new storage solutions.
Thinking of getting a new bin or some command hooks for an organizing project?
Have you sorted and decluttered that category of items yet? If not, you might be getting an organizing solution just to store things you don't even use or want. Most of my clients have more bins, baskets, and drawer organizers than they need. And after decluttering the house, garage, and storage units, there are even more. So, before you buy:
Throw away trash
Declutter (aka trash, recycle, or set aside to donate/sell)
Organize keepers by type
Put things back where they go
Do they even need an organizing solution?
If so, shop your house. See if you already have something that would work.
Then, if you still want/need a storage solution...
Shop around (thrift, shop in person, and/or online)
Then buy, reorganize, and enjoy!
When you go through this process. You have not only have an organized space, but also a functional, simple, and low cost one.
If you found one or more of these organizing hacks life changing OR if you have a great organizing hack of your own to help keep stuff off the floor, be sure to let me know! I'd love to hear from you.
Talk to you again soon.
Until then, remember that I believe in you. And I believe in your ability to curate a home and life you love.
